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Realia Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

Realia Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
4 Average out of 396 ratings
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Theme Description

About Realia
Realia is Real Estate and Rental Portal template for WordPress. Create your own property portal in easy way. Realia supports dsIDXpress WordPress plugin and new WP Theme customization API, which allows you to make design changes in real time! Also you can choose from 20 colors variations, 10 background patterns, 3 header setups and boxed or full width version. It’s more than 500+ combinations!

Front end submission system
Users are able to post properties from front end without accessing WP backend (except profile page).

Support for free version of dsIDXpress Plugin
Payed plugin is not included and users have to buy it at to make IDX functionality work, but support is limited. Homepage map is not coming from dsIDXpress plugin and it is not possible to integrate this map into dsIDXpress plugin.

PayPal integraration
You can charge your users for posting the properties into directory. Right now is included only “Pay Per Post” functionality.

Flat, modern and clean design
Reasonable use of UI elements and whitespace.

100% Fully Responsive
There is no limitation in viewing Realia on any popular device. Realia is fully responsive from small smartphone screen to big desktop monitors.

Retina Ready
Realia looks great even on Retina and high-resolution displays. Every graphic element is sharp and clean. No blurry images anymore!

Color variations
You can choose from 20 color variations. Every color is precisely picked to retain the content to be readable and usable.

Background patterns
10 background patterns included in theme.

Header combinations
3 color combinations for header.

SEO on-page optimized
Realia is ready to put your website on higher ranks. Every line of code was developed with SEO principles in mind.

Developer friendly code based on Bootstrap and SASS, so editing and adding your own content is quite easy.

UX ready
We have created Realia theme with strong focus on User Experience in every detail. Every element is designed to work well on any popular device.

Touch Friendly
Browse easily on your smartphone or tablet. Huge enough buttons, balanced typography and responsiveness gives you desktop like browsing experience.

Customizable Design

  • wide/boxed layout
  • background patterns
  • header variants
  • color combinations

Property Management

  • custom post type with options
  • request GPS coordinates from address
  • frontend submission
  • enquire assigned agents by using property form

Google Maps Integration

  • clustering
  • requesting GPS coordinates from address
  • flexible map widget with zoom level, map center, clustering, height support
  • NOTE: homepage map is not coming from dsIDXpress and it is not possible to integrate the map into dsIDXpress plugin
  • WordPress Theme Customization support.
  • Flat, modern and clean design.
  • 100% Fully Responsive. View your website on any popular device.
  • Retina Ready. Sharp graphics on Retina and other high-resolution displays.
  • Color variations. 20 prepared and precisely picked colors.
  • SEO on-page optimizated. Every line of code was developed with SEO principles in mind.
  • Bootstrap. Developer friendly code based on Bootstrap and SASS.
  • UX ready. Your user will always know where he is and where to click.
  • Touch Friendly. Easy browsing on touch devices.
  • Integrated google maps.
  • Twig template engine used for better template rendering.
  • Integrated slider.
  • Gallery carousel.
  • HTML5, CSS3 and SASS built website.

Special thanks to



These photos are not included in the package!

Files changelog is included in realia theme folder – CHANGELOG.txt

September 3, 2014 – 3.1.5 Update

Fix - Breadcrumb compatiblity issue - posts shifting by one

September 2, 2014 – 3.1.4 Update

Fix - Custom text instead of price on row display
Fix - Price filter options on Revolution slider
Fix - Special characters in widget titles allowed

July 9, 2014 – 3.1.3 Update

Fix - Revolution Slider Filters responsivity
Fix - Paypal currency

June 23, 2014 – 3.1.2 Update

Feature - Added Contract Type to filter
Feature - Revolution Slider can display with filters

June 21, 2014 – 3.1.1 Update

Fix - Added exports for one click installation
Feature - Added options to disable Sublocation And District for frontend submission form
Feature - Added option to disalbe Sublocation and District for filters

June 20, 2014 – 3.1.0 Update

Feature - 3rd level of sublocations in frontend submission form
Feature - Added One click installation
Fix - Call to action button translatable
Fix - Map filtering for Vertical Filter

May 29, 2014 – 3.0.0 Update

Feature - Horizontal Filter for map
Feature - Map Filtering

May 27, 2014 – 2.8.9 Update

Feature - Filter Sublocations

May 9, 2014 – 2.8.8 Update

Fix - Author email for enquire form
Fix - Custom text instead of price in widget
Feature - Generic Widget for properties which can filter on taxonomy terms
Feature - Honeypot added to prevent spam from enquire form

April 18, 2014 – 2.8.7 Update

Feature - Added support for Property ID search for frontend
Fix - Refactored enquire form, as some server installation had problems loading correct php to send mail.

March 31, 2014 – 2.8.6 Update

Fix - added PictoPro icon set into assets/libraries
Fix - update templates/submission/edit.twig file

March 13, 2014 – 2.8.5 Update

Fix - Menu in boxed layout for mobile devices styled correctly
Feature - Enquire form now has options to whom will the email sent
Feature - Prior to submitting property to from front-end submission Legal Agreement can be displayed

Documentation update:
 - How to add custom map icons

March 11, 2014 – 2.8.4 Update

Fix - Default Color options in theme customization resulted in wrong ling - css was not loaded properly
Fix - Property slider now respect custom text instead of price
Feature - Taxonomy pages now can have description ( Text inserted in taxonomy term description )
Feature - Pages with grid template now display page content above the grid
Feature - Pages with row template now display page content above the rows
Feature - Default Sorting option for archive property page now can be set from Administration
Feature - Added widget logic export

Documentation update:
 - How to disable error reporting
 - How to upload the theme

v2.8.2 – February 12, 2014

FIX - Detail page - Responsive fix
FIX - Responsive Navigation

v2.8.1 – February 3rd, 2014

FEATURE Added colorbox to detail gallery - next/prev
FIX Frontend submission warning removed
FIX idx press select width - responsive fix

v2.8.0 – January 10th, 2014

FEATURE "Properties Row Template" added. Now you are able to have rows on homepage instead of grid.
FEATURE Property listing in admin shows an author
FIX multiple carousels per page
FIX front end submission in admin display fix

v2.7.1 – January 3th, 2014

FEATURE author support for properties
FIX WP 3.8 minor fixes
FIX contract labels hide/show

dsIDXpress documentation update -

v2.7.0 – November 29th, 2013

FEATURE Lat/lon inserting improved by using drag & drop on map and google search box.
FEATURE Ordering of images in backed of administration
FEATURE Revolution slider update - latest version
FIX Frontend submission update, usability fixes.
FIX Frontend submission picture upload is no longer resized
FIX Support for children themes derivated from realia
FIX Languages hidden beneath slider
FIX Partners widget spacing

Extended documentation update.

v2.6.1 – November 2nd, 2013

FEATURE Added option for random display of properties in carousel
FEATURE Settings for displaying 'all amenities' or displaying only 'selected amenities'
FIX Fixed inserting of images for property post type - inserted directly via MediaAccess of WPAlchemy library

v2.6 – October 14th, 2013

- FEATURE Added property rating
- FEATURE Added option to enable property comments
- FEATURE Added more sorting criteria
- FIX restricting "publish" from user submission page according to settings

v2.5.1 – October 4th, 2013

- FIX responsive frontpage images
- FIX name field in enquire form

v2.5 – September 27th, 2013

- FIX map widget and displaying all markers
- FIX Message displayed after user registration
- FIX Markers color after change of color combination is now correct
- FEATURE Date From - Date To fields for enquire forms
- FEATURE Added link to property enquire form email
- FEATURE Option to approve frontend submitted properties.
- FEATURE Carousel now can display 'Reduced', 'Featured' or 'Latest' properties

v2.4.0 – September 18th, 2013

- FEATURE Property add / edit form for agents can submit multiple images
- FEATURE Contract type transformed to taxonomy
- FIX Filter responsive fix for small devices

v2.3.2 – August 29th, 2013

- FIX map widget and displaying all markers

v2.3.1 – August 29th, 2013

IMPORTANT Location in property URL was removed due to incompatibility with WPML.

- FIX WMPL support for language prefix in property URL
- FIX contracts filtering
- FIX area filtering

v2.3.0 – August 26th, 2013/strong>

The contracts was moved into taxonomy “Property Contracts” under “Properties”. Create your own contracts using taxonomy terms.

- FEATURE agency custom post type support
- FEATURE added agencies widget
- FEATURE added assigned agencies widget
- FEATURE partners custom post type support
- FEATURE added partners widget
- FEATURE contracts are implemented through taxonomy
- FEATURE all featured images are resized by Aqua Resizer
- FEATURE area filter field
- FEATURE instead of price you are able to use custom text
- FEATURE optional text for price field
- FEATURE baths and beds should be hidden per property
- FEATURE each filter field is able to hide/show
- FEATURE refactored visual for adding/editing property details on front end
- FIX obtain from google maps in admin
- FIX pricing shortcode
- FIX dsIDXpress responsive

v2.2.0 – August 5th, 2013

- FEATURE property new URL is consisting from location and property slug (e.g. properties/palo-alto/everett-ave/)
- FEATURE improved clusters performance in Google Maps
- FEATURE Google Maps visual refresh support
- FEATURE bathrooms and bedrooms icons are showing their names
- FEATURE anonymous users after trying to add the property are redirected on login page
- FEATURE property carousel has an option how many properties will display
- FEATURE WPML plugin support
- FEATURE property carousel images are now displaying in light box
- FEATURE bathrooms and bedrooms are now using "at least" in filtering
- FIX properties archive pager
- FIX style.css is now loaded through wp_enqueue_style()
- FIX style.css and child themes

v2.1.0 – July 24th, 2013

- FEATURE new dsIDXpress widgets styling
- FEATURE custom ID for property
- FEATURE users are redirected on front end after the login/registration
- FIX property detail description is now accepting breaks and paragraphs
- FIX locations are not visible on front end unless they have assigned property
- FIX not working palette
- FIX hardcoded "/properties/" URL for search form
- FIX property detail image gallery is not working when the carousel is on the same page

v2.0.0 – July 17th, 2013

We are introducing front end submission experience. Users are now able
to post submisssion from front end. One short note here. Users are not
able to fill all fields on front end some of them are missing. For example
images for property gallery, agents, landlords and so on. We will be adding
more fields in next release.

- FEATURE real front submission experience without WordPress backend
- FEATURE PayPal integration. Users should be charged per post
- FEATURE transactions for PayPal back log available in admin
- FEATURE advanced landlord's admin fields

v1.3.0 – July 8th, 2013

All custom options under the Aviators settings will be lost after update. We are
really sorry about this but we need to implement more and more functionality which is causing that
code in theme must be refactored to make it more efficient.

- FEATURE landlords
- FEATURE enquire form should be send to a real poster
- FEATURE disable contract type label in property grid
- FEATURE randomize features & reduced widgets or templates
- FEATURE alternative titles for properties
- FEATURE disable Twig caching
- FEATURE child theme support
- FEATURE clear Twig cache folder (templates/cache)
- FEATURE overwrite plugins templates outside of framework
- FEATURE customisable branding on login page
- FEATURE translatable slugs for all custom post types and taxonomies (re-save permalinks)
- FIX posts per blog page
- FIX administrator credentials are now using proper hook to setup
- FIX after XML import theme locations have default menu from import
- FIX search box in primary sidebar si well styled
- FIX now using google fonts instead of own font implementation (OpenSans font)
- FIX notice enable_geolocation
- FIX removed transactions custom type and added back pricing custom post type

v1.2.0 – July 4th, 2013

- FEATURE: recommended plugins installation
- FEATURE: geolocation support for map
- FEATURE: more customisable homepage template (renamed to "Properties Grid Template")
- FEATURE: added labels for all custom post types and taxonomies
- FEATURE: define number of agents per page
- FEATURE: scrolling maps on mobile devices
- FEATURE: now you can manage which fields are displayed in enquire form
- FEATURE: enquire form now supports custom email subject
- FIX: marker in the map of the property detail is displaying correct icon
- FIX: property slider price filters
- FIX: brown dark version is available in the customise section
- FIX: multiple administrators
- FIX: error parsing rent or sale checkboxes after filtering
- FIX font is supporting special characters

v1.1.0 – June 21th, 2013

- FEATURE: agent detail page with assigned properties
- FEATURE: better currency managment
- FEATURE: floating header if enabled
- FEATURE: added date and phone field for enquire form
- FEATURE: now you can set sender name and email for enquire form
- FEATURE: close button for Google Maps added
- FEATURE: each property in grid has label which is indicating if the property is for sale or rent
- FIX: email address in header now opens email client
- FIX: "obtain GPS" location from Google
- FIX: email from enquire form now contains link from which the enquire is sent

v1.0.6 – June 6th, 2013

- google map dragging fix

v1.0.5 – June 4th, 2013

- properties critical fix

v1.0.4 – June 4th, 2013

- glob() function fix on some systems
- new XML export
- translation fixes

v1.0.3 – May 30th, 2013

- property widget fix (now you can hove more than 5 properties in widget)
- translation fixes

v1.0.2 – May 28th, 2013

- Taxonomies fix
- footer Bottom Left widget area fix

v1.0.1 – May 28th, 2013

- PHP 5.2 fixes
- breadcrumb navigation spacing
- off canvas navigation on wide layout
- admin bar for contributor disabled

v1.0.0 – May 23th, 2013

- Initial Release

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