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MusicPlay Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

MusicPlay Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
4.8 Average out of 123 ratings
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Theme Description

MusicPlay - Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme - 1
MusicPlay - Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme - 2
MusicPlay - Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme - 3 MusicPlay - Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme - 4
Note: Using the theme Ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend using non-Ajaxified option to make work with third-party plugins. You can enable or disable the Ajaxified option from theme options panel.

MusicPlay - Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme - 5

MusicPlay is a powerful and responsive Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme with pretty much advanced features like display Artists, Albums, DJ Mixes, Photo Gallery, Video Gallery and Events each with its own post type. It has all the features what you need for a music band theme.

Note: Using the theme ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend to use non ajaxified option to make work with thirdparty plugins. You can enable or disable the ajaxified option from theme options panel.

Autoplay, the volume bar and the visual playlist will be automatically set to false, when viewing the player on a mobile browser. So don’t wonder why you don’t see it on your mobile devices.

MusicPlay theme has the most wanted features like custom taxonomies for *album labels and genres. Link the artist to the any albums listed in the posts and much much more. This theme has an extensive documentation with easy to setup video tutorials that you can setup your theme in no time

The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so it’s SEO Optimized. MusicPlay has tons of features see detailed list below

Theme Features

  • Flex Slider
  • Single Video
  • Static Image
  • Custom Slider – for Third Party Sliders
  • Video Slider – single video display
  • Video Slider Supports Shortcodes.
  • Supports YouTube and Vimeo too.
  • 2 Header Styles
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • 300+ Fontawesome Icons
  • Left Sidebar option
  • Right Sidebar option
  • Full width page option
  • Assign Slider on any page.
  • Disable breadcrumb for any page you wish
  • Use Left/Sidebar for any page you wish
  • Add subheader background color for any page
  • Add Page Background for any page.
  • 500+ Google Web Fonts
  • Sticky Bar on top
  • Custom Background Image for pages
  • Custom Background Image for posts
  • Custom Subheader Image for pages and posts
  • Custom Subheader Teasertext for pages and posts
  • Testimonials List Shortcode
  • Widgetized Footer
  • Wordpress Custom Menu Support
  • Unlimited Sidebars. Create and select any sidebar for each page.
  • 500+ Google Webfonts.
  • Unlimited Color Skinning Options
  • Multi Threaded Comments
  • 9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
  • Built in Shortcodes Generator.
  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export for options settings.)
  • Blog Style Layout
  • Custom Backgrounds
    • Header
    • Sub header
    • Footer
  • Google Map shortcode (Multiple Marker)
  • Google Map With Custom Color Stylers Integrated
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Video Tutorials
  • Child Theme Compatible
  • Localization ready
  • WordPress MU Compatible
  • WordPress 3.7+ Ready
  • Text Widget Support Shortcodes.
  • 100+ Custom Shortcodes
  • Wordpress MU Compatible
  • This theme skinning options empowers you to change any elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu, typography, etc.

14 Custom Widgets

  • Contact Info
  • Flickr Photos
  • Gallery Photos
  • Post Gallery
  • Popular Posts
  • Recent Posts
  • Sociables
  • Testimonials
  • Testimonials Submission
  • Twitter
  • Album
  • Artist
  • Video
  • Popular Posts Widget – Display the most popular posts
    based on comments with title and date with no of comments or title and
    post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or
    no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to
    display if title and content is chosen
  • Recent Posts Widget – Display the most recent posts with
    title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also
    provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the
    number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and
    content is chosen
  • Sociables – Displays a sociables saved in theme options panel.
  • Testimonials – Displays testimonials within selected categories and limit options.
  • Testimonials Submission – Submissions for testimonials which will be posted by visitors and you can publish it or
    approve it if you would like to display in on the site.
  • Twitter Tweets – Display the recent tweets with limiting the tweets and displays the tweets posted status

Custom Post Type

  • Albums
  • Artists
  • Video
  • Gallery
  • Video
  • Radio NEW
  • DJMix
  • Slider
  • Testimonial

Fonts & Colors Editing

  • Over 500+ Google fonts offered with theme
  • Unlimited combinations of colors editing for many elements
  • Background Images – You can also upload background images on per section bases instead of solid background color for subheader, body
    background etc.
  • If you want to change only less places select only theme color from options panel and for menu define your own style.

Theme currently has 10 Footer COlumn Layout Styles where you can place
the custom widgets or default widgets

Theme Localization

This theme is Internationalization and localization built into its
structure to easily used for different languages. Few texts in the theme
have an option to change texts in theme options panel. You can change
the week days labels in your language in theme options panel.


Theme comes with simple, easy and feasible option to use shortcodes
built in the theme with just one click. Theme have almost 100+
Shortcodes including typography styling etc.

Updates Change log

v13.0 - 2023-10-09
Fixed: FWAP Volume option not working in new WP Version
Fixed: jQuery deprecated .click event
Fixed: Vimeo videos ssl protocal issue
Fixed: Disabled image srcset for images
Updated: refactoring for the script to load smooth
Fixed: Radio Stream Meta Data for current playing song
Fixed: Streaming current playing song data not displaying for icecast
Fixed: Streaming current playing song data not displaying for Shoutcast
Updated: Font size reduced for the jPlayer and FWAP Meta Data
Fixed: empty CSS Rules rendering from theme options panel
Fixed: .change jQuery deprecated events
Fixed: WordPress 6.2+ compatibility
Fixed: Showing blank page after update of WordPress
Fixed: Soundcloud embed code not displaying soundcloud songs
Fixed: DJMixes sound cloud embed display
Removed: commented code from testimonials shortcode
Updated: isotope jQuery to latest version
Updated: jPlayer to the latest version
Updated: Waypoints jQuery to the latest version
Fixed: Download songs not working for media library
Fixed: Download all songs not working after WordPress new update
Removed: DJMix player option selection from theme options
Fixed: Search Tracks not working after new WordPress Updates
Fixed: Sociables displays error if has null value
Fixed: Permalink santization issue in the Labels and Genres
Updated: Single DJMix page layout
Updated: Musicplay Custom Widgets Plugin
Fixed: Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported
Updated: Child Theme

Note: Take a backup before updating to the version 13.0 Its a major update.
It requires Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin to restore your old widgets.
If you wish to restore old version back anytime make sure you deactivate the
Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin before activating old theme.
Make sure you update your child theme too, take a backup of your existing child theme if you have modified anything in it

v12.0 - 2021-09-28
Removed: deprecated Business Hours Pro Plugin
Removed: unwanted djmix class for the player button
Changed: post types moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: post types meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Page meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Post meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Slider meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Testimonials meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Video meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Gallery meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Events meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Radio meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Albums meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Artists meta options moved to musicplay widgets plugin
Changed: Shortcode Meta generator moved to the musicplay widgets plugin
Removed: Dashboard glance option for the custom post types
Fixed: Theme Demos not importing homepages on first installation
Fixed: Missing stream title for the radio stations
Fixed: sanitization issues with theme options
Fixed: Custom sidebar theme options not working
Fixed: Custom Preloader not selecting from theme options
Fixed: Deprecated jQuery functions/events
Fixed: https protocol issues with video shortcodes for youtube/vimeo
Fixed: musicplay single song download option not working
Fixed: musicplay bulk songs download option not working
Added: required wp_body_open() in theme.
Removed: unwanted functions from the child theme.
Removed: unwanted variables from the child theme
Fixed: activation error on child theme with undefined function
Removed: icecast-shoutcast-stream file to the musicplay widgets plugin

Note: Take a backup before updating to the version 12.0 Its a major update.
It requires Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin to restore your old widgets.
If you wish to restore old version back anytime make sure you deactivate the
Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin before activating old theme.
Make sure you update your child theme too, take a backup of your existing child theme if you have modified anything in it

v11.0 - 2020-12-23
### Fixed
missing attribute tags for the sanitization
vendor prefixes for the css
background image not fitting the subheader area
Testimonials grid layout not working in columns
Undefined variable issue with custom styling
PHP7.4 compatibility issues
jQuery migrate issues with WordPress 5.6
Theme Options showing blank in WordPress 5.6
Theme Options showing not loading
Issue with uploading picture in testimonial post type
Featured albums ribbon not displaying in moe genres
Featured albums ribbon not displaying in moe labels
Issue with latitude longitude in events single page
Issue with google map functions loading if no content data
Issue with frontend_maps JSON Parse Error
Issue with invalid audio format fails to play other songs

### Changed
Width of the inner area from 1140px to 1200px
Background color of the albums/artist/video/gallery to background linear gradient
GoogleMap API Key changed to the new parameter change your Keys in theme options
Updated jQuery waypoints to the latest version
Customized radio Post Types columns display with ID, Radio Thumbnail and Stream Info
Replaced blog carousel with swiper carousel
Replaced testimonial carousel with swiper carousel
Replaced iva carousel with swiper carousel
Replaced logo carousel with swiper carousel
updated Sample Demo Data
updated Sample Theme Options

### Added
Added Vimeo Video thumbnail for video template page
Added Youtube Video thumbnail for video template page
Added sociable shortcode align option
Background hover smooth animation for the albums/artist/video/gallery in twentytwentyone.css style which can be selected from theme options styles
Flex slider custom height option added in theme options
50+ New Google Fonts Added
Slider Vertical Alignment Option
Slider Caption Text Color
Slider Caption Text Background Color
New TwentyTwentyone.css style with wide layout

### Removed
Old deprecated owl carousel, replaced with swiper slider
Removed Business Hours Pro plugin

v10.1 - 2019-03-20
### Fixed
- Issue with images height in image shortcode
- FWAP overlaps the navigation in mobile
- Fixed mobile menu issue in the recent update
- Radio list Thumbnail width issue using flex in Artistplay Demo
- Subheader alignment issue with responsive
- Header custom height defaults to 40vh in other layouts
- Typo error 'Radio Jockey' in  Artists Shortcode

### Removed
- Removed title attribute from djmix shortcodes
- Progress Circle default color removed
- Removed default strong color option from radioplay css file

v10.0 - 2019-03-16
### Added
- Comments added for templates and other Files
- Added musicplay widgets plugin 1.0
- Added RadioPlay theme demo for Radio Stations
- Added ArtistPlay theme demo for Single Artist
- Added new theme css radioplay.css in theme options
- Added new theme css artistplay.css in theme options
- Added fancy heading 2 styles xLarge and xxLarge
- Added slider padding option
- Added Partial Section shortcode
- Added no border option for the fancyboxes
- Added text color for teaserbox shortcode
- Added heading color for teaserbox shortcode
- Added heading option for teaserbox shortcode
- Added Page Skew option for skew presentation of the pages
- Added Radio Jockey Style for the artists shortcode

### Changed
- Shortcode extract() function removed
- jQuery fitvids added in sys_custom.js
- jQuery preloadify js added in sys_custom.js

### Fixed
- Sanitization added for the js echo
- Dark color theme border for blockquote
- Transparency issue in the background for the trans-white.css
- Album Post list hover issue for the colors in twentyfiteen style
- images fit into cover for the owl carousels
- Fixed several responsive issues
- register styles and scripts for owl carousel and ajaxify WordPress Site
- silenced code in aqua image resize functions

### Removed
- Musicplay widgets and made a separate plugin for widgets
- Flickr photos shortcode
- Flickr photos widget
- Popular songs tracks shortcode
- Testimonial submissions widget
- Testimonial submissions shortcode
- html5.js removed as of dependency

### Modified Child Theme
- functions.php
- framework/common/head.php
- musicband/index.php
- style.css - Version changed

Note: Take a backup before updating to the version 10.0 Its a major update.
It requires Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin to restore your old widgets.
If you wish to restore old version back anytime make sure you deactivate the
Musicplay Custom Widgets plugin before activating old theme.

v9.4.0 - 2018-03-25
### Added
- Editor support for DJMix single page

### Changed
- UI for the radio single page
- UI for the stretched layout flexslider

### Fixed
- Events shortcode pagination issue
- Radio player issue with ajaxified streams
- Issue with content loading in the djmix shortcode
- Issue with djmix pagination
- issue with radio playing icon
- Issue with radio thumbnail in jplayer

### Removed
- unwanted add to playlist in djmix
- unwated likes option in djmix

v9.3.0 - 2018-03-16
### Added
- Featured Image for the radio posts
- New UI for the Radio Post Type single page
- Page meta options for the radio single page
- Radio Post Thumbnail for radio shortcodes
- Radio Stream Data refresh time interval in theme options

### Changed
- Responsive issues for the topbar using flex
- Radio Stream Option moved to sidebar above publish panel

### Fixed
- Security Glitch for CPU Over usage with streaming data
- Stream data not working in ajax mode
- Issue with twenty fifteen colors for few components
- Missing color values for the buttons and text fields
- Missing border color values for few fields
- Unwanted multiple jplayer playlist jquery
- Pagination issue with albums and other custom post types

### Modified Child Theme
- functions.php
- framework/common/head.php
- style.css - Version changed

v9.2.0 - 2018-02-14
### Fixed
- Issues with the hamburger menu with header style 1
- Issues with the hamburger menu with header style 2
- Issues with the hamburger menu with header style 3

### Modified Child Theme
- icecast_shoutcast_stream.php to icecast-shoutcast-stream.php
- functions.php

v9.1 - 2018-01-24
### Added
- Featured ribbon text option
- Featured ribbon style for the albums

### Fixed
- An issue with child theme options not loading
- An issue with radio stream data when radio is not playing

v9.0 - 2018-01-02
### Added
- New Meta Sociable for Artists
- Partial section shortcode
- Background size for 27-inch monitor for sliders
- loop repeat same track option
- Soundcloud ID Option in FWAP
- Audio length feature, it only works upload type media library
- Callback frontend map script in ajaxify.js
- Default height for the map to 300px in events single page.
- Playlist display in 2 styles ( Top/Bottom )
- Playlist Position in Theme Options > Player Options
- Columns option for the Artists and Albums with ID(s)
- Video Thumbnail Display with 16:9 Radio (Music Settings)
- Artists Thumbnail in album single page below title
- Tags for the blog posts single page below Content
- Business Hours Pro Plugin
- Featured albums option in albums shortcode
- Animated gradient background for FWAP in Twentyfifteen style
- Flexbox CSS for Albums
- Flexbox CSS for Artists
- Flexbox CSS for Gallery
- Flexbox CSS for DJMix
- Hide/Show the albums, artists, djmixes metadata
- Slider Caption alignment
- Custom Background color for each slide
- Custom Text Color for each slide
- Custom Google Font for the slider caption title
- Blog Post style for quote format post
- Blog Post style for gallery format post

### Changed
- Merged Upload method to Media Library method
- Missing Color properties in Twentyfifteen Style
- Complete Flexbox UI for the Audio Player
- Radio Player UI with new style
- jPlayer Modified With a New Look
- Google Map without ThirdParty plugin
- OWL Carousel to latest version

### Removed
- Featured image from support for testimonial
- Musicplay Desktop Upload option from gallery meta
- Custom Font options from theme options
- Business Hours Lite Plugin
- MusicPlayer Upload Option
- Separate enqueue hook for the flex slider
- Played, Liked and Lyrics from SoundCloud option in albums
- Old gmap script from events page
- unwanted demo space divisions in single events
- Sociables Images and updated to FontAwesome
- chosen.js and chosen.css supports

### Fixed
- Clean coding
- Sanitized coding
- Code indentation
- Streaming Info for the Icecast Streams
- Streaming Info for Shoutcast Streams
- Shortcode conflicts with events countdown
- Media upload UI in backend
- flex_args issue
- Track Likes not showing and not working
- Track Played how many times is not displaying
- Issue with post format gallery
- An issue with first-time load flex slider instantiation
- Delete the attachment from media issue
- Flex slider spacing for the content area list items
- SoundcloudID from audio player
- Popup Player Issue not working with new WordPress Version
- Fullwidth Audio Player multiple issues with loop tracks and SoundCloud ID
- Subheader Page Options when custom is selected the background
- Remove Played, Liked and Lyrics from SoundCloud option in albums
- Multiple Genres selection not working with shortcode
- Albums Metadata span class missing
- Album Post ID shortcode not working
- Add to playlist, Download all download button beside like
- Popup player alignment
- Filterable shortcode for Albums not working
- Undefined variable issue
- Pagination issue
- page bg issue
- Testimonials Fade style metadata not displaying
- Testimonials Carousel auto height
- jplayer metadata from a single album
- Track Playing Icon from default style
- Google Map Zoom not working in events
- Changes for Line New Line Endings CRLF
- Search results issue for DJMix Search
- Search results issue for Artists Search
- Gallery Width alignment
- Gallery single page alignments

:warning: *Before making an update to the 9.0 Kindly please take a backup of all the
files and database including theme options panel. Make sure you take a backup of the child theme as well. In the Child theme, you can compare the files and no make changes.*

### Modified Child Theme
- icecast_shoutcast_stream.php to icecast-shoutcast-stream.php
- template_subpage.php to template-subpage.php
- template_stretched.php to template-stretched.php
- template_sitemap.php to template-sitemap.php
- template_blog_small.php to template-blog-small.php
- template_blog.php to template-blog.php
- jPlayer_mediatype.php to jplayer-mediatype.php

v8.0 - 2017-06-05
### Added
- Radio Posts Shortcodes
- Radio Player Position on top option
- jp-radio-top class name in body if jplayer switched to top
- Option to select the jPlayer Radio position on top
- Musicplay_radio.php file in framework/shortcode/
- One click demo installer.
- [radio id="radio-post-id"] shortcode params = id, columns, postid

### Changed
- Retrieving the ID of the current item in the WordPress Loop
- Mobile dropdown with custom hamburger.
- Radio streaming with FAP replaced with the jPlayer to avoid conflicts
- Radio streamings now have done with ajax post method

### Removed
- Twitter API key options removed
- The dummy folder
- Twitter Authentication methods and old code for fetching tweets
- Twitter helper class file
- Twitter option from the subheader section
- icecast.php for streaming
- radio-fwap-player.php for streaming
- stream.php removed for security measures

### Fixed
- Gmap enqueue scripts in the shortcode
- Undefined variable for audio_label
- Minor issues with music album shortcode
- Scripts to enqueue the script before 
- Non-object error msg on skin.php
- Conditional code for the display of the jplayer radio
- Returns true if radio streaming ip is not posted
- Radio title reverts after seconds when album mp3 file is clicked in jplayer
- Back to top overlapped with bottom Sticky Musicplayer
- The font-family issue with the jplayer custom skin
- FWAP Radio and jPlayer Radio replaced with Radio Stream.
- singe-radio.php page fetching the radio server type
- Issue with the double genres and labels after 4.7.5 update

### Modified Child Theme

- functions.php
- framework/common/head.php
- musicband/index.php
- style.css

:warning: *Before making an update to the 8.0 Kindly please take a backup of all the files and database including theme options panel.
Make sure you take a backup of the child theme as well.*

v7.3.0 - 2016-11-30
### Added 
- Radio player file with jPlayer.
- FWAP radio streaming player file radio-fwap-player.php.
- Choose Player Option in theme options panel
- jPlayer for Shoutcast New Version Stream support

### Changed 
- Icecast streaming file.
- radio-player.php to radio-fwap-player.php file.

### Removed 
- Popup file from the FWAP Player popup.html

### Fixed 
- 1px border issue for the artists and other columns issue.
- Conflict with album tracks when clicked while the radio is playing

### Modified Child Theme Files
- version 5.5.0
- musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php
- musicplay-child/style.css

v7.2.0 - 2016-11-24
### Changed
- Fullwidth audio player.js file
- Audio-player, radio-player, and djmix-player php files
- Version in style.css
- Popup.html file extension to PHP
- fwap.html file extension to PHP

### Removed 
- Unwanted Localization removed for the API Key

### Fixed 
- An issue with the old version of streaming the URL halts on IOS
- Responsive menu conflict sidebar list style image.

### Modified Child Theme Files
- musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php
- musicplay-child/style.css

v7.1.0 - 2016-11-16
### Changed
- Fullwidth audio player.js file
- Radio player and audio player php files
- Template musicplay.pot File

### Removed 
- Unwanted Localization removed for the API Key

### Modified Child Theme Files
- Modified Version in style.css
- musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php

v7.0.0 - 2016-11-15
### Added 
- New Radio Post Types for the radio stations/
- 2 streaming servers Shoutcast/Icecast
- Radio streaming ID based on the posts
- New Dashicons for the post types

### Changed
- New User Interface for the options panel
- Page options area with a clean and pleasing look

### Removed 
- Unwanted images/icons for the admin options panel
- jPlayer for the radio stream instead replaced with FWAP
- Radio streaming URL option (Make it empty if you update to this version)
- Additional padding when the layout is boxed mode.
- Unwanted post type menu icons

### Fixed 
- Issue with the Player autoplay on Mobile was false
- Added new Soundcloud API option to avoid rate limit halt
- Issue with width for the inner content on smaller screens
- Issue with width for the inner header on smaller screens
- Issue with background-color white for body when menu item is clicked
- Albums shortcode order by ID display option
- Issue with Radio Player streaming switches back to stream when song is played
- Colors issue for the player is white text by default in twentyfifteen style

:warning: *Before making an update to the 6.1.0 Kindly please take a backup of all the files and database including theme options panel.*

v6.0.1 - 2016-10-27
### Changed
- SoundCloud SDK new jquery path in child theme

### Fixed 
- Issue with post method for FWAP jQuery on some servers
- Single Albums error displays when no attachments.

v6.0.0 - 2016-10-01
### Added 
- The fwap folder in musicplay directory for Bottom Music Player
- icecast.php for fetching Icecast current playing stream title
- Option to fetch streaming title for the Icecast server.
- function_exists for video post type 
- function_exists for gallery post type
- function_exists for album post type
- function_exists for artist post type
- function_exists for djmix post type
- function_exists for video post type

### Changed
- Breadcrumb NavXT plugin version to get auto updated via TGM
- New icons for the mic
- Streaming for the Icecast and Shoutcast server in the updated script
- New Fullwidth Audio Player plugin with new sound cloud API options
- Audio player to the new version and minor layout changes.

### Removed 
- Sound manager nodebugjs file not required in the new plugin
- amplify.js supporting the player
- Old fullwidth audio player plugin files and placed in musicplay/fwap/ directory
- js/amplify.min.js
- js/jquery.fullwidthAudioPlayer.min.js
- js/soundcloud.sdk.js
- js/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js
- swf/soundmanager2_flash9.swf
- Empty space after switcher link removal

### Fixed 
- The function exists conditional code for Facebook Open Graph Data
- The function exists conditional code IVA Tracks count
- Events time display issue in the backend
- Past Events not displaying on the front end.
- Testimonials not displaying properly
- An issue with popup layout new script updated.
- Unwanted div appearing on background overlay images  …
- An issue with id for the new fullwidth audio player skinning.
- Search navigation list item removed inheritance

v5.2.0 - 27th July 2016
### Changed
- Gmap shortcode with a new API Key functionality
- TGMPA Plugin to latest version
- Google Map API Key mandatory for the maps
- Wordpress core function for WP_Filesystem

### Removed 
- Unwanted space in functions.php
- Conditional code for the admin theme options page

### Fixed 
- Issue with Music Events for past events display in shortcode
- Sociables shortcode color attribute not working
Google Map enqueue scripts with API Key

v5.1.1 - 2016-06-27
### Changed
- Language pot file
- musicplay.pot for translations
- The z-index issue from 100001 to 99998 for the scroll to back icon
- TGM Plugin Activation Class file
- TGM Plugin Activation v2.6.1
- Theme options icon replaced its position to 60  
- Theme options buttons color issue
Fetch Selected playing Item data for radio streams
White playing icon on selected playing list item

### Removed 
- mdash glyph from the bottom player title meta title #127, #193

### Fixed
- White playing icon missing on selected playlist item
Playing Icon missing in the Christmas Color scheme

v5.0.0 - 2016-04-26
### Added 
- Disable the songs count option for albums single page.
- External_url for breadcrumb navxt

### Changed
- External_url for the breadcrumb navxt plugin in TGM

### Removed
- The plugin and replaced with WP Repository

### Fixed 
- Compatibility with PHP7
- Unwanted pp string added to the single-albums page.
- An issue with Media Gallery Attachments for meta-box generators
- Conflict with mobile menu - undefined issue with aws_data
- add_object_page replaced with add_menu_page since 4.4 Updated

### Child Theme Modified Files
- style.css - Version Number
- framework/common/head.php
- functions.php

v4.4.0 - 2016-03-16
### Added
- Artist Carousel shows all artists instead of specified category
- Radio Player Stream Title (Icecast/Shoutcast)
- Radio Player Stream Name (Icecast/Shoutcast)
- RadioJokey Color skin

### Changed
- Enqueue of the script
- Breadcrumb Navxt Plugin
- Business Hours Lite Plugin

### Fixed
- choose_player issue fixed in sys_custom.js file for the djmix

### Modified Child Theme Files 
- style.css modified version number
- functions.php
- framework/common/head.php

v4.3.0 - 2015-12-04
### Fixed 
- Unexpected token error warning in twentyfiteen.css
- Unexpected token error warning in font-awesome.css
- Unexpected token error warning in flex-slider.css
- Unexpected token error warning in style.css
- Player popup not working issue with recent update
- Wrong attributes in testimonials website name.
- Prettyphoto grouping removed for lyrics options
- Download all songs issue with the recent update.

### Child Theme Modified Files 
- style.css - Version # Changed
- functions.php

v4.2.0 - 2015-12-03
### Added 
- Blurred Image of Album Cover in Player

### Fixed 
- 4.1.0 Update breaks few playlist in musicplay player
- Issue with Add to playlist songs playing in player

v4.1.0 - 2015-11-30
### Added
- User Interface for Music Player
- Player Meta Data removed and Responsive Player
- Added New Responsive Queries for Apple iPhone 6
- Added New Responsive Queries for Apple iPhone 6s Plus
- Custom search string translation ready
- Frontpage Page Loader Disable/Enable Option
- Orderby, order parameters for album shortcodes
- Orderby, order parameters for video shortcodes
- Orderby, order parameters for djmix shortcodes
- Orderby, order parameters for gallery shortcodes

### Changed
- Twentyfiteen Skin modified with the new UI
- Flex Slider Caption Styling modified
- Color skins missing values
- TGM Class Plugin Activation file

### Child Theme Modified Files 
- style.css
- musicband/index.php
- framework/common/head.php

v4.0.0 - 2015-11-04
### Added
- Download all tracks for albums single page
- Download all tracks enable/disable option
- General Preloader Images Options
- General Preloader Background Color
- General Preloader Icon Color
- More Albums From text localization
- More Artist From text localization
- More Albums From This Genres text localization
- More Albums From This Label text localization
- ThemeDir constant for the THEME URI for ajaxify.js

### Changed
- Breadcrumb Navxt to 5.2.2

### Fixed 
- option to enable a pop-up player button, that will pop out the player in the pop-up
- Delete option not working for media uploads files in albums
- DJ Mix Shortcode not playing when selected as media upload
- The track with the title in djmix not displaying

v3.3.0 - 2015-09-10
### Added 
- Songs Like to enable/disable option
- Songs Playing Count enable/disable option
- More albums from label enable/disable option
- More albums from genres enable/disable option
- More related artists enable/disable option
- More albums from artists enable/disable option
- no posts or albums and the title still shows more albums/artists area

### Removed 
- color option for the add to playlist button
- color option for the add to likes in albums
- 20px space above the footer.

### Fixed 
- Deprecated WP_Widget in WordPress 4.3
- Compatibility for WordPress 4.3
- CSS colors options missing issues
- CSS issue with missing styles for the testimonials
- Subheader empty div for custom text
- Ajax preloader image fixed in child themes
- Event limit bug fixed upcoming events template
- Photo Gallery Thumbnail bug fixed
- Typo issues with theme options
- Video Widget not playing in footer

### Child Theme Modified Files
- style.css version change
- functions.php
- musicband/index.php

v3.2.4 - 2015-07-16
### Added 
- Custom Music Search bar for disable/enable for each page
- Custom Music Search bar for other post types single pages.

### Fixed 
- Typo mistakes in Theme Options
- Custom Music search bar disabled by default
- Music videos shortcode 16:9 ratio for the video thumbnails
- Color Skinning issue for Albums and Artists and other CPT                        

v3.2.2 - 2015-07-09
### Added 
- Toggle Option for Music player in mobile devices
- Gallery Caption option in the Gallery post type area.

### Changed
- Mobile menu updated with the new with fixed version

### Fixed 
- Issues with Filterable 5 Columns Responsive Issue
- Default slug photos changed for the Gallery Post Type
- Responsive issue with all the devices
- Minor glitches with CSS in different areas
- Header issues with mobile devices

v3.2.1 - 2015-07-01
### Fixed 
- Headers error fixed on activation / updates
- Responsive Issue messed with recent updates.

v3.2.0 - 2015-06-30
### Added 
- Add to playlist text in the album shortcode
- Add to playlist text in the album widget
- Columns option added Albums shortcode by Post ID

### Changed
- jQuery PrettyPhoto to Version 3.1.6

### Fixed 
- Responsive issues in Ipad/Tablet
- Artist related albums in widgets by adding reset query after endif
- Events limit missing in the past events template.
- Artist Shortcode display order is missing.

v3.1.0 - 2015-05-27
### Added 
- Links to single page for djmix post type
- Links to single page for djmix shortcodes
- Media Gallery New CSS for the gallery upload.
- Add Custom Biography Meta-values in the Artists Single Page
- Add Custom Biography Meta-values in the Albums Single Page
- Filtering Options for albums.
- Random display of albums based on genres in Album Single
- Random display of albums based on labels in Album Single
- Disable lightbox for single albums and single artists.
- Add to the playlist in djmix single page.

### Changed
- prettyPhoto javascript
- Fixed image sizes for the single with the new stylesheet.
- Enhancement of the Testimonials presentation
- Enhancement of the new stylesheet ( Twentyfifteen.css )

### Fixed 
- External Mp3 Lightbox issue with lyrics option
- Events Listing for the past events template.
- Events Listing for the upcoming events template.
- While Color issue in IE with new stylesheet
- Pagination issue with taxonomy.
- Download issue with djmix shortcode
- Download issue with djmix template
- Download Likes and Plays in albums shortcodes
- Footer widgets element showing if empty widgets
- Importing widgets in the sidebar footer for one-click install.
- Theme breaks with child theme activation
- 16:9 ratio for the videos in the template
- CPT categories ordering issues from theme option panel
- Google Fonts bad value issue

### Child Theme Modification 
- musicplay-child/style.css - modified the version number
- musicplay-child/functions.php
- musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php
- musicplay-child/musicband/index.php

v3.0.1 - 2015-05-04
### Fixed 
- Theme Customizer messed with 3.0.0 version

v3.0.0 - 2nd May 2015
### Added 
- New Twentyfifteen Dark Skin Layout
- Sociables Icons now with font awesome based.
- Added Sociable Icon
- Custom Preloader Image Option
- Filterable Albums shortcode.
- Albums shortcode ID with multiple albums
- Dropdown Added in the custom Search Area
- Search All option in Custom Search Area
- One Click Demo Install in theme options now
- One Click Options Import
- SSL Protocol for the google map enqueue scripts.
- New Albums PlayList Style Presentation
- Album Tracks most played counter
- Album Tracks liked counter
- Icon pause option added for the tracks

### Changed
- Ajaxified WordPress Site Plugin (ajaxify.js)
- PrettyPhoto js Latest Version

### Removed 
- Chosen jQuery in shortcode generator selector
- Google Analytics option from theme options

### Fixed 
- Security Vulnerability Affecting WordPress Plugins and Themes
- Lyrics toggle option fixed in the jquery
- Accordion and Toggle options in mobile version
- Google Map Scripts enqueues only when required
- Countdown Scripts enqueues only when required
- PrettyPhoto title character issue
- Theme Options getting empty on child theme activation
- Genres Taxonomy undefined variable for img alt tag
- Labels Taxonomy undefined variable for img alt tag
- Back to top disabled when viewed on mobile devices
- Menu Dropdown hover text issue

v2.8.4 - 2015-02-12
### Added 
- Sidebar for Video Page Template
- Sidebar for Video 3 Column Page Template
- Sidebar for Sitemap Page Template
- Sidebar for Video 3 Column Page Template

### Fixed 
- Body background issue with chrome browser when scroll.

### Child Theme 
- style.css version number changed

v2.8.3 - 2015-02-11
### Fixed 
- Albums single page messup after 2.8.2 update.

v2.8.2 - 2015-02-10
### Added 
- Sidebar Option for the gallery single page
- 2 & 5 Columns option for video shortcode
- Albums Shortcode Random display order option

### Fixed 
- Albums shortcode mess up after 2.8.1 update
- Artists shortcode mess up after 2.8.1 update
- Prettyphoto title disable

### Child Theme 
- style.css version number changed

v2.8.1 - 2015-01-28
### Added 
- Choose MP3 Files now from the media library.
- Media Library option for Album music files
- hover icon enable/disable for albums, artists, gallery, and videos
- Pagination issues for the albums post types
- Footer new column (2/3 and 1/3) option added
- Next song playing active link in albums single page
- Albums Songs playing while radio is active
- DJMix list shortcode added
- Events single page Google Map Enable/disable option
- Dark skin colors overnight option if theme single color selected

### Changed
- NEW Subsection highlighted in options panel
- Theme options for music settings separated
- Templates and shortcodes updated for hover icons

### Fixed 
- Templates and shortcodes updated for hover icons

:warning: *Make an update for the child theme carefully.*

### Modified Files Child Theme
- musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php
- musicplay-child/musicband/index.php

v2.8.0 - 2015-01-08
### Added 
- Popular songs display by ID ( shortcode only )
- Media Library option for songs upload
- New Ajax Preloader
- Now songs can be included from your media library.
- New case for media library for albums

### Changed 
- Javascript files compressed
- Strings for the WPML Translations
- Missing index.php file in the child themes.

### Fixed 
- Event categories disappears after WP4.1 Updated
- Categories and few other shortcodes disappear in WP4.1
- Child theme issues.
- Fixed video shortcode on a single page.
- Albums not playing when Radio Player is on.

:warning: *Make an update for the child theme carefully.*

### Child Theme Modifications 
- Added musicplay-child/framework/common/head.php   
- Modified only version number style.css                                  
- Corrected functions.php                              

v2.7.1 - 2014-12-04
### Added 
- Facebook App ID field in theme options for OGG sharing
- Option to disable image overlay effect on Albums and Artists

### Fixed 
- Play Icon missing in albums single page
- Image resize issue in flex slider
- Disabled mouse wheel option for slider
- Genres alignment issue in albums single page
- Alignment issue for the genres and labels on the artist's page
- Undefined variables for image resize
- An issues with Custom Search disable when the child theme is active

### Modified Files in Child Theme 
- musicband/index.php
- functions.php
- style.css - version number changed

v2.7.0 - 9th November 2014
### Added 
- Ajaxified option for custom search
- New Play/Playing Icons for the albums and tracks
- New Play/Playing Icons for djmix
- New Play and Playing Icons for dark skin.
- New ajax-loader-dark.gif for the dark.css skin
- Overlay effect on albums shortcode and templates
- Overlay effect on artists shortcode and templates
- Overlay effect on gallery shortcode and templates
- Overlay effect on djmix shortcode and templates
- Release Date option field.
- Display order in theme options and shortcode
- Display by order theme options and shortcode
- Albums 5 columns page template
- Albums 6 columns page template
- Artists 5 columns page template
- Artists 6 columns page template
- Albums 5 & 6 columns option in shortcode
- Artists 5 & 6 columns option in shortcode

### Changed
- Custom Search revamped for better UI in dark skin
- Admin UI customized to the fluid layout.
- Dark skin border colors and missing colors.
- Christmas skin color modifications for the bottom player.
- Replaced atp_album_orderby id in djmix template
- wp_title() filter to default core
- Sanitized the Data Validation query in functions.php

### Fixed 
- Albums display by released date.
- Security vulnerability fixes in admin-interface.php
- Fixed undefined variables
- Djmix display by released date.
- Custom Search artist name display issue
- Custom Search Responsive Issue

v2.6.0 - 2014-11-25
### Changed
- Child Theme files.

### Fixed 
- Child Theme Activation Bug.
- Missing Icons for the external mp3 files in albums.
- Missing Icons for the SoundCloud in albums.
- Radio Streaming Pause continues where it stops.
- Undefined variables errors in shortcodes.
- More from these album genres no posts display.
- Undefined variable for the accordion.
- Empty background option reloading default image.

v2.5 - 2014-09-27
### Added 
- DjMix Single Page Added for SEO purpose
- Advanced Search Option enable/disable in theme options panel
- Advanced Search Option pagination enable/disable
- Popup Music Player bottom enables/disable in themes options.
- Custom Advanced Search Option for Albums, Artists, and Tracks
- Option for the Play Icon also used as a click to play song

### Changed
- Fontawesome to Latest 4.2.0
- Google Font URL protocol changed to work with SSL too.
- Child Theme Compatibility to extend.
- DjMix Layout Revamped for better performance
- Years removed in the events countdown and added in days

### Removed 
- get_theme_data() from Business Hours Plugin

### Fixed 
- Undefined Variable for subheader properties
- Undefined class in artists shortcode
- Artists Sociable Context localization display when empty
- Single Events multiple comments reply box display
- Single Albums Lyrics with Lightbox issue
- Slider Link target option
- Albums Shortcode reset query in wrong place
- Missing Icons for the single albums for SoundCloud
- Missing Icons for the single albums for external mp3
- Missing Icons for albums widget
- Limit for albums, artists, tracks, and genres
- Player jQuery enqueue only if Bottom Player activated.
- Flexslider Lazy Load option
- DjMix Template Style Modified
- DjMix Template Responsive Style Updated
- Testimonial Float issue on the front page when used as shortcode
- Toggle Option fixed in bottom radio player

v2.4 - 2014-08-25
### Added 
- Localization option for Twitter Tweet Status context.
- PostLikes Enable/Disable from the options panel.
- New Icons for the lyrics, albums, and download.
- Follow Sociables Option for Artists

### Changed
- Changed the position for the share link in artists single page
- Album playList to new style issue
- Dark Skin Album playList Color issue

### Removed 
- Album Playlist leading with zero and replaced to play icon

### Fixed 
- Updated Bottom Player color options issue
- Post Type Permalink issue for pagination
- Artists / Albums related items floating columns issue
- Cleared the floats for columns in artists and albums related area.
- Post Likes disable issue.
- Events Countdown display issue on the iPad and other mobiles
- Responsive issue with various minor glitches in albums single page
- Add to Playlist not working
- Various Validation for image alt attributes
- Button element removed in albums for validation.

v2.3.1 - 2014-08-20
### Fixed 
- Quick Fix for Header errors in the recent update.

v2.3 - 2014-07-18
### Added 
- Likes for Album Posts
- Countdown display of Events Shortcode.
- Custom Height Option for Header.
- Next/Previous Pagination for Albums
- Next/Previous Pagination for Artists

### Changed
- Localization for several texts
- Menu Vertically Aligned
- jQuery Fullwidth Audio Player to New Version

### Fixed 
- Title Attribute for Menu
- User Interface for the external mp3 in Albums
- Sidebar in Video Page Template

v2.2 - 2014-07-01
### Added
- Added slug options for custom post types
- Twitter Authentication with twitter pro plugin if class option
- Sociables add Instagram option

### Changed
- Business Hours 
- Twitter API 
- Fullwidth Audio Player 

### Fixed
- Events current day display missing
- Events no posts found message
- Theme Options panel upload button missing
- Theme Options panel new user interface bugs

v2.0 - 2014-04-19
### Added 
- Albums Carousel Shortcode
- Artists Carousel Shortcode
- Gallery Carousel Shortcode
- Video Carousel Shortcode

### Changed
- Admin Interface Changed to Version 4.0
- Compress style.css
- Colorpicker replaced with the WordPress core.

### Fixed 
- DJMix Template empty page after 1.7.5 update
- Testimonial Meta Data Missing
- Subheader Background color missing in stretched layout

v1.7.5 - 2014-04-01
### Changed
- Prefixes to avoid conflict with other plugins

### Fixed
- Post Meta Data not saving in post types
- Albums and other metadata not saving bug fixed.

v1.7.4 - 2014-03-18
### Added
- Artist Taxonomy Page Limitation
- Admin UI to new trends
- Subheader Background Properties on each Page
- Subheader Padding Property on each Page
- Subheader Text Color on each Page
- Subheader Text Color in Albums Page
- Subheader Background Option in Albums Page
- Subheader Padding Option in Albums Page
- Subheader Text Color in Gallery Page
- Subheader Background Option in Gallery Page
- Subheader Padding Option in Gallery Page
- Subheader Text Color in Artist Page
- Subheader Background Option in Artist Page
- Subheader Padding Option in Artist Page
- Subheader Text Color in Video Page
- Subheader Background Option in Video Page
- Subheader Padding Option in Video Page

### Changed
- Related artists slug option
- Sociables opens in a new blank page - target attribute
- Share Links opens in a new blank page - target attribute

### Fixed 
- Pagination functionality if the page is static front page
- Pagination Shortcode not working on static front page
- Columns problem on Postype Page Templates.
- Columns problem on Albums and djMix Shortcode.
- Tracklist count bug on albums single page
- Tracklist count bug on albums Widget
- Collapses on multiple usages of Tabs shortcode

v1.7.3 - 2014-02-13
### Added 
- Related artists display by relevant categories
- Events Shortcode display order by ASC
- Albums Shortcode display order by ASC
- DJMix Shortcode display order by ASC
- FontAwesome Icons for Buttons Shortcode
- Audio volume Adjustment option
- Date text localization

### Fixed 
- Current Day Event Day displaying bug fixed.
- Sorting Album Mp3 uploads issue
- MusicPlayer metadata fix.
- Tracklist Bug Fix in album single page.
- Events widget not showing nearest events first
- Google Map in Ajaxified Layout Issue fixed.

v1.7.2 - 2014-01-19
### Added 
- Sidebar Option for Artists Page
- Sidebar Option for Events Page

### Fixed 
- Missing theme options file

v1.7.1 - 2014-01-15
### Added
- Testimonial Submit Localization
- Artist Single Page Biography Text in theme options

### Fixed 
- Default Date American date format with slash issues.
- Missing edit page button for artist single page.
- Background Disappearing on Footer Widgets 'Lightbox'
- Testimonial Submission title missing and CSS

v1.7 - 2014-01-11
### Added
- Blog Shortcode
- MP3 External URL title in player
- Player Color Customization Options

### Fixed 
- DJMix metadata issue
- Albums Date Order by issue
- Testimonial undefined variable.
- Events undefined variable $out.

v1.6 - 2014-01-01
### Added
- Add to playlist Button in single albums
- Blog Carousel ( OWL Slider)
- Artist Taxonomy Template
- Artist Taxonomy (Category)
- Add to playlist (enable/disable)
- Recent Posts Shortcode.
- Popular Posts Shortcode.
- Video Taxonomy (Categories)
- Child theme extendibility.

### Fixed
- Upcoming Events display issue.
- Past Events display issue.
- Albums Order display from theme options.
- Default sidebar assigned to Right.

##### Working Radio Stations
- ShoutCast
- IceCast

:warning: *jPlayer works with Icecast and Shoutcast servers that serve MP3 or M4A (AAC) audio. On Shoutcast servers, you may need to add; stream/1 to the URL to access the audio live-stream.
For example,;stream/1*

v1.5 - 2013-12-20
### Added
- Events shortcode to display by post ID (Specific Event)
- 2 Events display styles in Events Shortcode
- Albums shortcode to display by post ID (Specific Album)
- Albums shortcode to display by post ID (single and grouped)
- Albums shortcode to display Songs List in any page/post(Widget Style).
- Video shortcode to display by post ID (Specific Video)
- Gallery shortcode to display by post ID (Specific Gallery)
- DJMix taxonomy feature(categories).
- DJMix shortcode for display same as albums view.
- Artists taxonomy feature(categories).
- Display Artists by post ID (Specific Artists).
- Subheader options for Albums, Artists, Videos, Events, Galleries
- Comments, subheader and breadcrumbs option in artist single page.
- Compatible with WPWolf Plugin (TESTED)
- Sticky Player works with every Radio Station Streaming
- Single gallery page pagination system
- Add Static Image in any page and subheader as well.

### Changed
- Now Stream any Radio Station

### Fixed 
- Sociables Color issue in light skins
- Albums widget audio date fix.
- Testimonials Submission bug
- Blog Page Pagination Issue
- Radio Streaming Bug
- Audio Post mp3 URL (replaced with new meta key)

v1.4 - 2013-12-15
### Added
- Albums order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- Artists order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- Video order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- Gallery order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- DJMix order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- Events order by ID,title,date,menu_order option
- Lyrics Display in Lightbox or Toggle
- Lyrics Display settings in theme options
- Set Default Sidebar from theme options panel
- Slider Description Enable/Disable
- Add External MP3 URL(s) now in Albums
- Add External MP3 URL(s) now in DJMixes
- Added Buy Button in Albums
- Added Download Button in Albums
- Added Buy Button in DJMixes
- Added Download Button in DJMixes
- Shortcode for Up-Coming and Past-Events
- Date format using the default WordPress settings
- UI changed the Album Songs
- UI changed for the Galleries
- Breadcrumb NavXT Plugin

### Changed
- Events date field to work with WordPress default

### Removed 
- Gallery Post Type - Extra Custom fields
- Video Post Type - Extra Custom fields
- Breadcrumb-plus Plugin.

### Fixed 
- Full-Width Audio Player Issue
- Active Menu link color issue.
- Menu Dropdown issue with Mobile

v1.3.1 - 2013-11-27
### Added 
- New Header Style 3

### Fixed 
- Full Width Audio Player Issue

v1.3 - 2013-11-18
### Added
- Lyrics for the Album Songs
- Fallback for the Opacity in Cross Browser & IE8
- SoundCloud Option for Albums page
- DJMix Songs in Sticky Player
- SoundCloud song style in single albums page
- Genre Taxonomies option for Albums Shortcode
- Labels Taxonomies option for Albums Shortcode
- Upcoming Events Page Template
- Past Events Page Template
- UpComing/Past Events Widget
- White Color Transparency Skin
- Multiple Custom Fields in Events Meta on Events Single Page
- Google Web Fonts Preview in Options panel

### Fixed 
- Soundcloud AutoPlay in Player
- Active Menu Color Fixing while Ajax is enabled
- Active Fancy Toggle Theme color missing
- Google Map Fetching in Events single page.

v1.2.1 - 2013-11-12
### Fixed 
- Active Menu Color when Ajaxified is enabled
- Google Map not working on Events Page

v1.2 - 2013-11-09
### Added
- Dark Skin for the Player
- Dark Skin for the Radio Player
- Radio to the Sticky Player
- DJMix to the Sticky Player

### Changed
- Ajaxified System with AWS with Enable or Disable Option
- Almost all the files to make the theme works with ajax

v1.1 - 2013-11-03
### Added 
- Ajaxified System using ThirdParty Plugin - AWS

### Changed
- Dark Skin Color changes.
- Almost all the files to make the theme works with ajax

v1.0 - 2013-11-01 Initial Release


Credits :
*Note : Images, Audios and videos are not included in the downloadable package of this theme. Songs are purchased from
Music(Audio) is taken from Images are from Flickr under the Creative Commons license *

Reviews & Comments