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L Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

L Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
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Theme Description

L'ambiance presentation

L’ambiance is a unique mobile first WordPress experience
Instead of focussing on a 1001 features we’ve focussed on versatility and ease of use. This theme is surprisingly easy to set up and configure. We’ve developed 2 unique plugins to help you configure and maintain your website with ease.

Packed with everything you need to get started.
Creating your own menu’s was never easier with our menu manager you can create, update, delete and reorder your price-list as you see fit.

Full screen slideshow, image or video background
Setting the mood is what L’ambiance is all about. Seduce, fascinate and convince your visitors with your new mobile first website that is simply stunning to look at and a breeze to work with.

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