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Balance Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

Balance Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
4.2 Average out of 140 ratings
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Theme Description

Balance – Gym Fitness WordPress HTML 5 Theme

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Balance is a Gym Fitness WordPress theme. It is a fully HTML 5 Valid theme, it comes with many features and has several home page options. See more features below:

Theme Features

  • Fully HTML 5 Valid theme
  • 4 homepage variations and 6 Sliders + static content or video instead of slider
  • Includes awesome LayerSlider and Revolution Sliders
  • Unlimited portfolios with 6 different layouts, self hosted audio/videos, support for hierarchical categories, drag&drop item sorting, per-item slideshows, etc…
  • Unlimited sidebars
  • Per page custom backgrounds
  • Lots of shortcodes
  • Over 500 Google fonts
  • Translation ready
  • Native HTML 5 self-hosted audio/video support
  • Powerful custom administration panel
  • Skin constructor. Changing the look of theme is extremely easy.
  • 17 page templates
  • 6 custom widgets
  • 6 variations of portfolio view
  • 2 types of blog layout
  • Threaded Comments
  • Very detailed documentation
  • 2 Custom types for slider and portfolio management (with drag&drop ordering)
  • Numerous CSS3 Enhancements
  • Ajaxified Contacts Page
  • Lightbox with Video support (Vimeo, Youtube or self-hosted)
  • Under Construction Page
  • Table generator from admin interface

Demo Images

If you would like to use the images seen in the demo you can purchase them from
Below is a list of some the image id’s. Email us if there’s a specific one you need. Some images might no longer be available so we’ve added alternatives in parenthesis for your convenience.

  1. 7703108 (32621885)
  2. 7759355 (15873995)
  3. 2979629
  4. 2627364
  5. 2085962
  6. 7746694
  7. 8536311
  8. 4839570
  9. 10641872

Update Sept 15th 2014

  1. Fixed incompatibility issues with Wordpress 4.0
  2. Minor fixes and improvements
  3. Updated to latest Revolution Slider to fix security issues

Update May 26th 2014

  1. Added Instagram to social icons
  2. Fixed some PHP errors
  3. Updated Revolution slider to latest version
  4. Added sample content file for theme’s Revolution slider demo
  5. Updated theme’s sample content file
  6. Minor CSS changes

Update April 1st 2014

  1. Fixed theme panel upload buttons not working in Firefox Bug
  2. Fixed contact form incompatibility with WP 3.8+ versions
  3. Updated font Awesome to latest version
  4. Updated email newsletter and Revolution slider plugins to latest versions
  5. Minor CSS fixes

Update Aug 3rd 2013

  1. Fixed the bug after Wordpress 3.6 update
  2. Fixed the toggle shortcode bug
  3. Files affected: library/functions/shortcodes.php and functions.php

Update June 29th 2013

  1. Added revolution slider WP plugin
  2. Fixed twitter widget issue
  3. Added unlimited sliders support for all pages
  4. Updated Font awesome to version 3.2.1, 100 more font icons available now
  5. Minor improvements to the code

Update Feb 21st 2013

  1. Added 1-click color chooser right from admin panel, no need to edit any graphic elements or edit css code any more
  2. Updated the newsletter widget to the latest version and fixed the issue with updates, now it’s safe to update to newer versions
  3. Updated Nivo slider to latest version
  4. Added a footer navigation system, no need to add footer menu items manually any more
  5. Added option to add custom css/javascripts from admin panel which won’t be overwritten after updating the theme
  6. Integrated the FontAwesome library, over 250 pictographic icons are available to choose from now
  7. Fixed top link not working issue
  8. Fixed portfolio items in homepage not working in IE8 issues
  9. Added a full setup guide screencast in the documentation.

Update Jan 11th 2013

  1. Fixed toggle/tabs not working issue after updating to Wordpress 3.5
  2. Fixed single post incorrect layout markup if the comments are closed issue

Update Oct 11th 2012

  1. Fixed twitter widget not showing bug, set according to latest API
  2. Fixed non-dynamic header causing logo not to show fully if taller than the regular size
  3. Fixed some shortcodes generating [raw] text bug

Update Sept 6th 2012

  1. Fixed all errors with WP DEBUG mode on
  2. Fixed contact form not sending e-mails error
  3. Fixed Nivo slider controls showing in footer error
  4. Fixed portfolio items not assigned an automatic thumbnail in some layouts error
  5. Fixed portfolio items showing thumbnail images instead of full in slideshow mode
  6. Fixed Bold and italic text assigned via Visual editor not showing bug

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