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Arkitekt Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

Arkitekt Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
3.6 Average out of 10 ratings
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Theme Description

We Recommend All buyers of Arkitekt to Re-Download the Theme cuz we’ve made some big changes in the Theme and fixed all the bugs/issues. Thanks!

Arkitekt is a Wordpress theme that you can use for your architect business.


Free Premium plugin Visual Composer ( Save $30 )
Free premium Revolution Slider ( Save $19 )
WPML Compatible
SEO Optimzied
Follows the Standard Width of 1170px Used by Bootstrap
Well Documented
Dedicated Support forum
Unlimited sidebars creator
Powerful Admin Panel
Child theme included
Free Fonts and Icons

All the photos that appear in the preview files are for display use only and are not included in the downloadable files.

* Changelog – Arkitekt Wordpress Theme *

2014.01.26 -- Version 1.0.8
1) On services shortcode readmore links styling issue is fixed
2) Added the option for 3rd level menu
3) Added the option in testimonial shortcode to setup text limit
4) Added the option in services shortcode to setup text limit
5) portfolio carousel is compatible with latest visual composer.
6) Compatible with latest version of Visual composer
7) Latest Revolution Slider included.
21 January 2014 -- Version 1.0.7
1) Compatible with latest version of visual composer.
2) Latest version of Revolution slider is included.
3) Latest version of Visual composer is included.
4) Listing issue in blog category is fixed
5) Added categories in Visual composer shortcodes to show shortcode output from specific category.
6) Added the option in services to link with services detail page

21 January, 2014 -- Version 1.0.6
1) Team detail page added
2) Compatible with latest version of Visual Composer.
3) Added latest version of font awesome.

2014.10.17 -- Version 1.0.5
1) Develop all shortcodes to compatible with Child theme
2) Fixed the issues of Portfolio slider post.

2014.10.02 -- Version 1.0.4
1) Fonts option in theme options issues are fixed

2014.09.28 -- Version 1.0.3
1) Footer js from theme options was not working fixed now
2) added option to show / hide breadcrumbs on VC page template
3) added clearfix in each section for [vc_row]
4) Latest version of visual composer is included
5) latest version of revolution slider is included

2014.09.13 -- Version 1.0.2
1) Responsive menu issue is fixed
2) page with sidebar and fullwidth issue is fixed
3) compatible with wordpress 4.0
4) Unlimited color scheme feature is included

2014.09.13 -- Version 1.0.1
1) Latest version of Revolution Slider is included
2) Latest version of Visual Composer is included

version 1.0
   * First release!

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