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Architectos Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

Architectos Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
4.5 Average out of 170 ratings
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Theme Description

Architectos – current version 1.7 available for download!

Architectos – is perfect for architecture or design orientated blogs or for creative people/agencies who’s tired of regular thumbnails grids layouts 8-)

As a FREE Bonus you’ll get the award winning Visual Composer plugin integrated into the theme, which lets you to create complex layouts with simple drag-n-drop interface – $25 value.


  • Full screen background slideshow
  • Home slides with custom text and links
  • Masonry layout for blog and portfolio pages
  • Classic layout
  • 4 Single view portfolio templates
  • Video Support
  • Custom elements – Tabs, sliders, buttons, call to action blocks, twitter feed, posts grid and more
  • WordPress 3.0+ Ready
  • XML file with demo content included – import it into your site for quick setup.
  • Extensive documentation

What Visual Composer users are saying?

“I’m loving this plug-in. But more importantly the customer support has been Stellar!!!!”Matt Harper

“WOW. Thanks for being born! I just downloaded the plugin without thinking twice.”Chip

“Anyone not sure of purchasing this, needs to stop and just go buy it, this is truly one awesome product and makes creating a static homepage a breeze with some amazing results.”RedDan

Visual Composer Demo*

Note: In the demo video another template is used for demonstration purposes, but it works same way with Architectos.

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Looking for theme support?

Theme support is handled by support forums only, support requests made by other channels (email, twitter, comments board or any other method) will be redirected to support forums. Grab your item purchase code and register here.


03.09.2013 - ver 1.7
   - Visual Composer updated to 3.6.12
   - Image upload fixed

14.08.2013 - ver 1.6
   - Visual Composer updated to 3.6.10
   - js error removed

16.07.2013 - ver 1.5
   - Visual Composer updated
   - Portfolio title output fixed

11.03.2013 - ver 1.4
   - Visual Composer updated

15.01.2013 - ver 1.3.10
   - php notices and warnings removed

18.12.2012 - ver 1.3.9
   - Edit tab titles fixed

13.12.20012 - ver 1.3.8
   - Visual Composer updated (WP 3.5 ready)

12.12.20012 - ver 1.3.7
   - Visual Composer updated (WP 3.5 ready)

15.11.20012 - ver 1.3.6
   - Visual Composer updated (fix for qTranslate plugin)

01.11.20012 - ver 1.3.5
   - Visual Composer updated
   - Featured widget updated

03.09.20012 - ver 1.3.4
   - portfolio archive now can be password protected
   - IE=EmulateIE8 added in the header

21.08.20012 - ver 1.3.3
   - Bug fixes update

17.08.20012 - ver 1.3.2    
   - PHP Notices removed
   - Visual Composer updated 3.3

14.08.20012 - ver 1.3.1
   - background image resizing fixed
   - depreciated get_theme_data() function replaced with wp_get_theme()

24.07.20012 - ver 1.3
   - Visual Composer updated

26.06.2012 - ver 1.2.1 
   - Password protected pages, bug fixed

21.06.2012 - ver 1.2 
   - "Cheating uh?" bug fixed; Now you can see both video and images in single portfolio view

15.03.20012 - ver 1.1 
   - prettyPhoto, removes from url #!prettyphoto[xx]/0/ after closing lightbox

07.02.2012 - ver 1.0.9 
   - framework update; .clear class name renamed to .wpb_clear

25.01.2012 - ver 1.0.8 
   - Fullscreen slideshow updated

23.01.2012 - ver 1.0.7 
   - Framework update
   - Captions added for Attached images lightbox view.

19.01.2012 - ver 1.0.6 
   - IMG Caption constant fixed; Home slides, <span /> pair fixed (better validation)
   - thumbnails bug in fullscreen slideshow fixed

20.12.2011 - ver 1.0.5 
   - Renamed options in theme options page
   - Visual composer WP 3.3 compatibility improved

13.12.2011 - ver 1.0.4 
   - WordPress 3.3 compatibilty
   - Now in theme options you can set featured image height in px or 'proportional'
   - Transition speed option added, now you can control speed of the transition between the slides

05.11.2011 - ver 1.0.3 
   - Portfolio pagination fixed
   - Portfolio items name have new slug: portfolio/item because of the conflict with pagination.

29.11.2011 - ver 1.0.2 
   - Portfolio filter added
   - If no featured image is set for home slide, then slide will be invisible on homepage
   - Title in "Thumbnail View" is visible now in prettyPhoto lightbox.

   - Favicon upload added
   - Search field added
   - Disable right click option added
   - Single wpb_portfolio layout improved
   - Image captions added

09.11.2011 - Release date.

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