Liquida Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download

Liquida Preview Wordpress Theme - Rating, Reviews, Preview, Demo & Download
4.2 Average out of 14 ratings
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Theme Description

Liquida is a clean, powerfull & multipurpose wordpress theme that can be used to build professional and modern websites.

You can set your colors, change fonts, background patterns & the layouts in different pages.

Also it comes with 5 default homepage, 6 blog layouts and 6 ready-make skins that you can combine.

It has included the LayerSlider ($15 value), Visual Composer ($25 value), and CSS3 Web Pricing Tables Grids settings ($55) which have saved $55 for you.















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———————————— Liquida v 2.2 ————————————

CORE: share links on singular posts & pages (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Email)
CORE: js improved
REDUX: new header option, show/hide menu carets
REDUX: fixed featured image option in template settings
CSS: small fixes & new isotope transitions
LAYOUT: new more button xs option
LAYOUT: new column options for header menu
LAYOUT: new option fitcolumns for isotope layouts
LAYOUT: now masonry layout is puzzle
VISUAL COMPOSER: new fade in animation
VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida grid shortcode to replace vc posts grid
VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida carousel shortcode to replace vc carousel
VISUAL COMPOSER: now liquida gallery show the thumbnail of the images in the backend
VISUAL COMPOSER: new option fitcolumns layout
VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed google map shortcode
PLUGINS: Visual Composer updated to 4.3.4
PLUGINS: CSS3 Web Pricing Tables updated to 9.6

———————————— Liquida v 2.1.1 ————————————

_ CSS : min-width 320px
_ CSS : some fixes in the shortcode tabs on admin panel
_ CSS : default navpage size set to “cover” for 480px fit
_ CSS : margin bottom 480px in Visual Composer columns & buttons
_ CSS : size in cf7 in required fields
_ CORE: fixed Excerpt Leght property in Blog Template

———————————— Liquida v 2.1 ————————————

_CORE: fixed default values in metaboxes

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.9 ————————————

_ CSS: fixed header blank space
_ CORE: Redux Framework updated to
_ PLUGIN: Visual Composer updated to

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.8 ————————————

_PLUGINS: update Visual Composer to 4.1.2
_CORE: fix force_activation Visual Composer
_CORE: fix compatibility with new css editor settings in Visual Composer
_CORE: downgrade ReduxFramework 3.2.2 to fix wordpress 3.9 compatibility in metaboxes

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.7 ————————————

_CORE: update ReduxFramework 3.2.3
_CORE: ReduxMetaboxes 1.1.9

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.6 ————————————

_CSS: fixed navpage background image size in mobile devices
_CSS: fixed hidden menu before browser resize
_LAYOUT: fixed Leave a comment when comment closed
_CORE: update ReduxFramework 3.2.2
_CORE: ReduxMetaboxes 1.1.8
_CORE: update fixed Cannot modify header information

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.5 ————————————

_CSS: fixed fontawesome 404

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.4 ————————————

_CORE: fixed js_icon.js url
_CORE: less.php updated to
_METABOX: fixed error unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in PHP 5.2
_CORE: CSS COMPILER credential form in FTP write mode

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.3 ————————————

_CORE: fixed liquida_compiler execution on theme activate

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.2 ————————————

_CORE: fixed tgm plugin path import
_CORE: fixed wp_layerslider table doesnt exist

———————————— Liquida v 2.0.1 ————————————

_WOOCOMMERCE: fixed style not loading
_LAYOUT: fixed position relative for excerpt (date & author avatar)
_CORE: Leafo Lessphp moved to

———————————— Liquida v 2.0 ————————————

_ LAYOUT: new subtitles for dropdown menu items
_ LAYOUT: new nav-blog style
_ LAYOUT: new “Button Menu” for header bottom icons
_ LAYOUT: new login, logged in & cart popups
_ LAYOUT: new support for two sidebards
_ LAYOUT: related post deleted
_ LAYOUT: new featured media options (image, video, gallery, slider)
_ LAYOUT: new grid-info content added
_ CSS: new improvements
_ CSS: new nav-blog options
_ CSS: fixed, margins moved to classes
_ CSS: new pagination style
_ JS: fixed dropdown onmouseover support
_ JS: new isotope is back! now with filters ;)
_ JS: scripts.js header scroll effect improved
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed & hide old vc_gallery
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed & hide old vc_button
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed & hide old vc_cta_button
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed vc_post_grid
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new params in vc_row (font, bg, border, radius, padding)
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new params in vc_column (font, background, padding)
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida_icon shortcode & new params (padding, margin, border)
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida_button shortcode
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida_cta_button shortcode
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new liquida_gallery shortcode
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new vc_carousel shortcode
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: new vc_images_carousel shortcode
_ REDUX: updated to
_ REDUX: new headings options (h1, h2, h3)
_ REDUX: new shop section
_ REDUX: new product section
_ REDUX: new option hide footer top
_ REDUX: new options for navpage
_ REDUX: new options for post meta in Article Settings
_ REDUX: new option for social share buttons in Article Settings
_ REDUX: custom css has is own tab
_ REDUX: new font options on “Layout Settings”
_ REDUX: new options in Loop Settings (loop settings for category, tag, author, dates)
_ REDUX: new options in Loop Settings (choose content for items in the loop)
_ REDUX: new options in Loop Settings (choose image sizes for loop systems)
_ REDUX: new options in Loop Settings for isotope (gallery, gutter, columns)
_ REDUX: new options screen base & large size
_ REDUX: new options border radius small, base, large
_ REDUX: fixed duplicated google font link
_ REDUX: contact info tab deleted
_ METABOXES: new Redux Metaboxes system!
_ METABOXES: new options for navpage
_ METABOX: new featured media options (image, video, gallery, slider)
_ METABOX: new options for all templates
_ CORE: new css compiler support for mulsite & child theme
_ CORE: new and improved filter system
_ CORE: new admin notices for less & css files creation
_ WIDGETS: new flickr gallery
_ WOOCOMMERCE: new shop masonry integration
_ WOOCOMMERCE: new full integration :D

———————————— Liquida v ———————————-

– CORE: fixed compile less on windows server
– CMB: updated to 1.0
_ REDUX: updated to 3.8

———————————— Liquida v ———————————–

_ METABOXES: fixed cmb.js, show “Sidebar Options”
_ REDUX: fixed custom css
_ REDUX: fixed upload button / tracking code
_ REDUX: fixed missing fonts
_ JS: fixed break masonry in search page
_ LAYOUT: fixed pagination disloqued
_ LAYOUT: fixed dropdown menu onmouseover
_ METABOX: fixed compatibility issue with Acronix FAQ
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fixed post grid
_ PHP: fixed some undefined variables

———————————— Liquida v 1.1.2 ————————————

_ CSS: header social icons margin top fixed
_ CSS: visual composer button icon fixed
_ CSS: classes .adrees & .email for header top info
_ CSS: new recent comment widget style
_ REDUX: optional dropdown menu onmouseover
_ REDUX: option “NavPage Background Color” added
_ REDUX: option “NavPage Background Image” moved to “Scheme Settings”
_ REDUX: “Page Settings” option added
_ REDUX: Header contact message, phone, email, address show/hide added
_ LAYOUT: prev & next links for paginated comments
_ LAYOUT : Blog Dates, image added
_ CORE: dates thumnail filter added

———————————— Liquida v 1.1.1 ————————————

_ CSS: isotope #posts opacity: 0
_ CSS: .pager class removed, new .pagination class
_ CSS: css compressed before compile ($less->setFormatter(“compressed”);)
_ CSS: fixed woocommerce shopping cart in 480px screen
_ CSS: unnecessary !important removed
_ CSS: padding on comment name fixed
_ CSS: border-radius featured post image & avatar in Opera
_ REDUX: validate “js” removed from meta_analytics
_ REDUX: fixed “Boxed Layout” background
_ REDUX: new option “Sidebar Width” in General Settings
_ REDUX: new option “Boxed Background Color” in Layout Settings
_ REDUX: new option “Select Image Effect” in General Settings
_ CORE: fixed pagination issue in frontpage
_ CORE: prettyphoto_footer_js removed to solve jquery conflict
_ CORE: isotope.js removed, masonry.js added
_ CORE: prettyphoto.js, prettyphoto.css registered only when visual composer is not active
_ CORE: liquida_adsense_template fixed to solve php 5.2.4 compatibility issues
_ CORE: liquida_get_content_sidebars action added
_ CORE: child theme support fixed
_ CORE: liquida_lessphp added
_ LAYOUT: fixed masonry height container issue
_ LAYOUT: fixed post_related clearfix
_ LAYOUT: core, css changes for new sidebar system (preparing the ground for next update)

———————————— Liquida v 1.1 ————————————–

_ LAYOUT: new grid template (litle title, comments & date)
_ LAYOUT: header fixed top (OFF) added
_ LAYOUT: masonry 2, 3, 4 columns
_ LAYOUT: footer 1, 2, 3, 4 columns
_ LAYOUT: social user accounts for page team
_ LAYOUT: layerslider in homepages moved to metabox
_ CSS: fixed layerslider transparent when topbar fixed is OFF
_ CSS: widget footer “clear; both” moved to 768px and up
_ CSS: widget tag cloud improvements
_ CSS: latest tweets widget icon in footer fixed
_ CSS: accordion, tour & tabs improvements
_ CSS: padding bottom for name input on comment form
_ CSS: preset styles improved
_ JS: scripts.js improved
_ WIDGETS: fixed html liquida cool archives
_ METABOXES: changed to CMB for wordpress framwork
_ METABOXES: conditional view
_ METABOXES: new layout images
_ METABOXES: sidebar metabox & navpage metabox
_ REDUX: custom admin style
_ REDUX: navpage blog background
_ CORE: layerslider to required in tgma class
_ CORE: layout_page fixed
_ CORE: template format filter for quote and link formats
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fontawesome icons for accordion
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fontawesome icons for tabs
_ VISUAL COMPOSER: fontawesome icons for tour

———————————— Liquida v 1.0.1 ————————————

_ DATA: Dummy data for homepages & demo
_ INFO: Documentation
_ CORE: wpautop removed

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